Document Type : Original Article


1 assistant professor at Imam Khomeini International University

2 PhD student of Allamah Tabatabaei


Imam Khomeini Relief Committee Foundation is one of the most important support organizations in the country, which was established for supporting poor families and women and reducing their deprivation.
However, it seems that adopting a traditional approach and not paying attention to the management principles changes and modern welfare approaches has faced this organization with serious challenges in welfare delivery and public trust. This research has studied Relief Committee of Gilan.
Data was collected by qualitative method and observation and interview techniques with employees (8 people) and managers (7 people) of Gilan Relief Committee, along with studying documents. We analyzed collected data by thematic analysis method. Data were categorized and analyzed in three main categories: clients, employees and organization.
In category of clients, the culture of dependence, being a creditor, and mistrust were identified, in category of employees, having a top-down view, low technical skills, and not having up-to-date and relevant knowledge were discussed. Finally, in category of organization, inattention to research, centralized structure, lack of transparency and accountability, parallel institutions, inefficiency, paternalistic support, conservatism and reductionism were mentioned.
